"Scariest Bug of them all !!!"
1 posts
"Scariest Bug of them all !!!"
Nov-19-03, 07:46 PM (Pacific)
I have come here to post my story in hopes that I will slowly heal from my traumatizing account with the hideous creature known to all as the potato bug. It's name sounds harmless, but don't let this deceive you!! It was late last night that I had my terrifying encounter. My boyfriend and I were watching Conan O'Brien late last night. I was feeling a bit tired, so I suggested that we go to sleep. When he got up...lo and behold there it was on the floor. He thought it was a gag toy that I had placed there as a joke. It was larger than any bug I had ever seen inside a home. It looked like a crossbreed of a really large hornet, with large spider/cricket-like legs and nasty stingers. I yelled like bloody murder and demanded that he kill that damn thing. He grabbed a big can of Raid and practically sprayed the whole bottle on it. The devil scurried under the couch, where I was too scared to get up. He used my slipper (I have to sanitize those now...yuck) to get it out from under the couch. He then used one of those magazine subscription inserts to pick it up, and flush it down the toilet. He told me that damn thing was HEAVY!! I could not bear to look at it. That night I had potato bug nightmares and thoughts of it crawling into my bed and gnawing at my cheeks after a having a few drinks. I hope that this is the last time that I ever have to see this beast in my life!!!
Bug Man (Guest)
2 posts
1. "Why I "love" Potatoe bugs!!"
Nov-23-03, 03:02 PM (Pacific)
I think that Potatoe Bugs, are delicious and they even make good pets. The good thing about having a potatoe bug for a pet, is that when you get tired of it, it you eat and have yourself a good snack. Besides, Potatoe bugs, are God's critters, just like everything else. Plus, they are full of protein.
The Bug Man (Guest)
3 posts
2. "RE: Scariest Bug of them all !!!"
Nov-23-03, 03:29 PM (Pacific)
GIVE ME A BREAK...YOU BONE HEAD... Potatoe Bugs are supper cool. They are the coolest creatures on the face of the earth. And they are not, from outer space. They are God's creatures. So love them and leave them alone. Your Friendly Neiborhood Bug Man
Andro (Guest)
36 posts
3. "RE: Scariest Bug of them all !!!"
Nov-24-03, 04:08 PM (Pacific)
Please don't insult her, but I agree, I'd love to have a pet one of these.  >>...nasty stingers. Actually, they just have spikes. They are not poisonous. It's the same way with my pet cockroaches.  >>I hope that this is the last time that I ever have to see this beast in my life!!! I suggest that you move to Europe....;)
Farout (Guest)
4 posts
4. "RE: Scariest Bug of them all !!!"
Nov-25-03, 08:01 PM (Pacific)
you all been sniffin the happy gas? DEEZ things will EAT YOU. my uncle was almost killed by one and i had a near death experience that resulted in the destruction of san antonio!! HOLY CRAP DUDE. you guys need to be locked up for saying stuff like they're god's creatures and stuff. I am coming to your house to shoot you. this should be taken seriously as a threat. call your local police now because i know ur IP address and linked it to your real address and i'm coming with a shotgun to smear your blood against your beige walls. you are sick and will die.
kck (Guest)
1 posts
5. "RE: Scariest Bug of them all !!!"
Dec-10-03, 05:09 PM (Pacific)
I have seen one of these bugs in person and I would hafta agree they are scarey and ugly. My brother's girlfriend named it freaky freddy. She has it as a pet. We named it the death bug. I would hafta to say I have reacurring nightmares of a potato aka death bug eating me. Also in no way are they gods creatures look at them. For sure they are from outer space. I mean come on. How can u not tell.
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